

"So,have you figured out my name yet?"The voice echoed around the bare room.
The girl shivered.She had thought that there was no one in the room before she stepped in,before the door slammed shut behind her,before the lights went out and she was left alone in the darkness with that voice.
"You are a ghost?"
"So smart.There are lots of kinds of ghostin this region.Want to be more specific?"
“That's just ghost in Malay。They've got lots."
"What,i hop around wrapped in cloth like an egyptian Mummy?Please."
The voice was definitely female.The girl guessed,"Pontianak?"
"No, they like to hitchhike on the Malaysian highway and suck th eblood out of the male drivers because they hate men."There was a surprising giggle."I like my husband-we're together
forever,even in death-well,actually just my death,"
The stray beam of moonlight outlined some movement in the corner.For a moment,there was a suggestion of long black hair.
(to be continued...)
